
Published (Bold are student authors)

Hardy, T., W. Wu, and M.S. Peterson, 2021. Modeling spatial variability of the resilience of coastal wetlands to sea-level rise in the northern Gulf of Mexico using Bayesian multi-level models. GIScience & Remote Sensing. (IF: 6.238)
• Leontiou, A., W. Wu, and N. Brown-Peterson, 2021. The role of maturity in artificial habitat selection by female red snapper. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 13, 332-344. (in Journal highlights) (IF: 1.568) Click to download
• Leontiou, A., W. Wu, and N. Brown-Peterson, 2021. Immature and mature female red snapper habitat use in the north-central Gulf of Mexico. Regional Studies in Marine Science 44, 101715. (IF: 1.624)
Hardy, T., W. Wu, 2021. Impact of different restoration methods on coastal wetland loss in Louisiana, US: Bayesian analysis. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 193(1), DOI: 10.1007/s10661-020-08746-9. (IF: 2.513)
Shen, S., W. Wu, J. Grimes, E. Saillant, and R.J. Griffitt, 2020. Community composition and antibiotic resistance of bacteria in bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncates – potential impact of 2010 BP Oil Spill. Science of the Total Environment 732, 139125. (IF: 7.963)
• Wu, W., P. Biber, D. Mishra, and S. Ghosh, 2020. Sea-level rise thresholds for stability of salt marshes in a riverine versus a marine dominated estuary. Science of the Total Environment 718, 137181. (IF: 7.963)
• Fulford, R., S.J. Heymans, and W. Wu, 2020. Mathematical modeling for ecosystem-based management (EBM) and ecosystem goods and services (EGS) assessment. Chp 14 in T. O’Higgins, M. Lago, and T, DeWitt (Eds). Ecosystem Based Management and Ecosystem Services: Theory, Tools, and Practice. Springer Aquatic Sciences, Germany.
Pham, L.T., P.D. Biber, W. Wu, G. Carter, and H.J. Cho., 2020. Historical change of seagrasses on the Mississippi and Chandeleur Sounds. Chp 10 in Daniels, J.A. (Ed). Advances in Environment Research Vol 70. New York, USA: Nova Science Publ. (ISBN 978-1-53616-972-0) (IF: 2.08)
• Wu, W., 2019. Accounting for spatial patterns in deriving sea-level rise thresholds for salt marsh stability: more than just total area? Ecological Indicators 103, 260-271. (IF: 4.958)
• Wright, L.D., W. Wu, and J. Morris, 2018. Chapter 9: Coastal erosion and land loss: causes and impacts. In Tomorrow’s Coasts: Complex and Impermanent (eds: Wright, L.D., Nichols C.R.), Coastal Research Library, volume 27 (Senior ed: C.W. Finkl). Springer, Switzerland. Pp 137-150. (Book Chapter, not peer-reviewed)
• Wright, L.D., and W. Wu, 2018. Chapter 12: Pearl river delta and Guangzhou (Canton) China. In Tomorrow’s Coasts: Complex and Impermanent (eds: Wright, L.D., Nichols C.R.), Coastal Research Library, volume 27 (Senior ed: C.W. Finkl). Springer, Switzerland. Pp 193-206. (Book Chapter, not peer-reviewed)
• Wu, W., M. Bethel, D. Mishra, and T. Hardy, 2018. Model selection in Bayesian framework to identify the best WorldView-2 based vegetation index in predicting green biomass of salt marshes in the northern Gulf of Mexico. GISceince & Remote Sensing 55(6) (IF: 6.238)
Adams, G., R. Leaf, W. Wu, and F. Hernandez, 2018. Environmentally-driven fluctuations in condition factor of adult Gulf menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. ICES Journal of Marine Science. Doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsy002. (IF: 3.593)
• Wu, W, P. Biber, and M. Bethel, 2017. Thresholds of sea-level rise rate and sea-level rise acceleration rate in a vulnerable coastal wetland. Ecology and Evolution 7(24), 10890-10903, doi: 10.1002/ece3.3550. (IF: 2.912) Click to download
• Wu, W., H. Huang, P. Biber, and M. Bethel, 2016. Litter decomposition of Spartina alterniflora and Juncus roemerianus: implications of climate change in salt marshes. Journal of Coastal Research 33(2), 372-384, doi: (IF: 0.854)
• Li, Y.F., Y. Li, and W. Wu, 2015. Threshold and resilience management of coupled urbanization and water environmental system in the rapidly changing coastal region. Environmental Pollution, doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2015.08.042. (IF: 8.071)
• Wu, W, K. Yeager, R. Fulford, and M.S. Peterson, 2015. Neutral models as a way to evaluate the Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM). Ecological Modelling 303, 55-69. (IF: 2.974)
• Gong, C., and W. Wu, 2014. Comparison of regression tree models for sub-pixel imperviousness estimation in a Gulf Coast city of Mississippi, USA. International Journal of Remote Sensing 35(10), 3722-3740. (IF: 3.151)
• Biber, P.D., W. Wu, M. S. Peterson, Z. Liu, and L. Pham, 2014. Oil contamination in Mississippi saltmarsh habitats and the impacts to Spartina alterniflora photosynthesis. In B. Alford, M.S. Peterson and C. Green (eds). Impacts of Oil Spill Disasters on Marine Habitats and Fisheries in North America. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. (peer-reviewed book chapter)
• Wang, Z., Z. Liu, K. Xu, L.M. Mayer, Z. Zhang, A.S. Kolker, and W. Wu, 2014. Concentration and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface coastal sediments of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Geochemical Transactions 15: 2. (IF: 4.737)
• Hallock Jr., J.L., W. Wu, C.A.S. Hall, and M. Jefferson, 2014. Forecast the limits to the availability and diversity of global convention oil supply: validation. Energy 64, 130-153. (IF: 7.147)
• Fulford, R.S., M.S. Peterson, W. Wu, and P.O Grammer, 2014. An ecological model of the habitat mosaic in estuarine nursery areas: Part II – Projecting effects of sea level rise on fish production. Ecological Modelling 273, 96-108. (IF: 2.974)
• Wu, W., J. Clark, and J. Vose, 2014. Response of streamflow to climate change in the southern Appalachian Mountains using Bayesian inference. Hydrological Processes 28(4), 1616-1625. doi: 10.1002/hyp.9677. (IF: 3.565)
• Lash-Marshall, W., C.A.S. Hall, and W. Wu, 2013. Using gradient analysis to simulate the spatial structure and function of the Luquillo Experimental Forest. In Ecological gradient analyses in a tropical landscape (G. González, M. R. Willig, and R. B. Waide, ed.) Ecological Bulletins 54, 223-232. Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ.
• Wu, W., and L. Zhang, 2013. Comparison of spatial and non-spatial logistic regression models for modeling the occurrence of cloud cover in north-eastern Puerto Rico. Applied Geography 37, 52-62. (IF: 4.240)
• Wu, W., P. D. Biber, M.S. Peterson, and C. Gong, 2012. Modeling photosynthesis of Spartina alterniflora (smooth cordgrass) impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill using Bayesian inference. Environmental Research Letters 7, 045302. (IF: 6.793)
• Liu, Z., J. Liu, Q. Zhu, and W. Wu, 2012. The weathering of oil after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: insights from the chemical composition of the oil from the sea surface, salt marshes and sediments. Environmental Research Letters, 035302. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/3/035302. (IF: 6.793)
Lowe, M.R., W. Wu, M.S. Peterson, N.J. Brown-Peterson, W.T. Slack, and P.J. Schofield, 2012. Survival, growth and reproduction of non-native Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) II. Mapping its fundamental niche in the northern Gulf of Mexico. PLoS One 7(7), e41580. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0041580. (IF: 3.240)
• Wu, W., J. Clark, and J. Vose, 2012. Application of a full hierarchical Bayesian model in assessing streamflow response to a climate change scenario at the Coweeta Basin, NC, USA. Journal of Resources and Ecology 3(2), 118-128.
McKinney, J.A., E.R. Hoffmayer, W. Wu, R. Fulford, and J. Hendon, 2012. Feeding habitat of the whale shark Rhincodon typus in the northern Gulf of Mexico determined using Species distribution modelling. Marine Ecology Progress Series 458, 199-211. doi: 10.3354/meps09777. (IF: 2.824)
• Harris, N.L., and W. Wu, 2012. Chapter 7: Hydrology. In Harris N.L., Lugo, A.E., Brown, S., and Scalley T.H. (eds) Luquillo Experimental Forest: Research History and Opportunities. EFR-1. Washington, D.C: U.S. Department of Agriculture, pp. 50-55. (Book Chapter, not peer-reviewed)
• Wu, W., J. S. Clark, and J. M. Vose, 2010. Assimilating multi-source uncertainties of a parsimonious conceptual hydrological model using hierarchical Bayesian modeling. Journal of Hydrology 394, 436-446. (IF: 5.722)
• Wu, W., and C.T. Driscoll, 2010. Impact of climate change on three-dimensional dynamic critical load functions. Environmental Science & Technology 44, 720-726. (IF: 9.028)
• Wu, W., and C. T. Driscoll, 2009. Application of the PnET-BGC – an integrated biogeochemical model – to assess the surface water ANC recovery in the Adirondack region of New York under three multi-pollutant proposals. Journal of Hydrology 378, 299-312. (IF: 5.722)
• K.A. Brown, S. Spector, and W. Wu, 2008. Multi-scale analysis to species introductions: combining landscape and demographic models to improve management decisions about non-native species. Journal of Applied Ecology 45, 1639-1648. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2008.01550.x. (IF: 6.528)
• Wu, W., C.A.S. Hall, and F. Scatena, 2007. Modeling the impact of recent land cover changes on the stream flows in North-Eastern Puerto Rico. Hydrological Processes 21, 2944-2956. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.6515. (IF: 3.565)
• Wu, W., C.A.S. Hall, F.N. Scatena, and L. Quackenbush, 2006. Spatial modeling of evapotranspiration in the Luquillo Experimental Forest of Puerto Rico using remote sensed data. Journal of Hydrology 328, 733-752. (IF: 5.722)
• Wu, W., C.A.S. Hall, and L. Zhang, 2006. Predicting the spatial and temporal probability of orographic cloud cover in the Luquillo Experimental Forest in Puerto Rico using generalized linear (mixed) models. Ecological Modelling 192 (3-4), 473-498. (IF: 2.974)
• Hallock Jr., J. L., P.J. Tharakan, C.A.S. Hall, M. Jefferson, and W. Wu, 2004. Forecasting the availability and diversity of global oil supply. Energy 29(11), 1673-1696. (IF: 7.147)
• Wang, H., C.A.S. Hall, F.N. Scatena, N. Fetcher, and W. Wu, 2003. Modeling the spatial and temporal variability in climate and primary productivity across the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico. Forest Ecology and Management 179, 69-94. (IF: 3.558)
• B. Tao, C. Hu, and W. Wu, 2001. Studies on pathogenetic biology of vibriosis occurring in Penaeus monodon. Journal of Tropical Oceanography 20(2), 80-87 (in Chinese, English abstract).

Manuscripts in Review or in Preparation (Bold are student authors)

Shen, S., W. Wu, J. Grimes, E. Saillant, in revision after first review. Antibiotic resistance in a coastal river in Mississippi, United States – potential drivers. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. (IF: 2.513)
• Leaf, R. Mroch, W. Wu, Trigg, R., in prep. Evaluation of the movement dynamics of the Gulf Menhaden fishery.
• Wu, W., E. Grimes, G. Suir, in prep. Temporal trends of remote sensing derived vegetation index in Louisiana’s coastal wetlands – potential impact of freshwater diversions on vegetation. Plan to submit to Geocarto International.
Huang, H., W. Wu, K. Elliott, C. Driscoll, C. Miniat, in prep. Impact of climate change on hydrochemical processes at two high-elevation forested watersheds in the southern Appalachians, USA. Plan to submit to Forest Ecology and Management (IF: 3.558).
• Brown-Peterson, N., W. Wu, C. Slife, K. Dillon, A. Leontiou, in prep. Interannual variations in oocyte development of Red Snapper in relation to environmental and habitat parameters.
Shen, S., W. Wu, in prep. Meta-analysis of antibiotic resistance genes in aquatic environments.
• Wu, W., J. Yuan, D. Jen, B. Li, in prep. The effectiveness of deep learning in predicting coastal wetland loss in the northern Gulf of Mexico.